Imagination does no great until we human beings are given courage & strength to use it to create
Wouldn’t you agree?
In fact, in today’s techno-savvy world are children given the freedom to express themselves creatively?
That’s a big question.
At core, children have the most creative ability. I mean look the wall which was “creatively” decorated when you left your child with crayon for one minute!
Working with art material such as crayons, paint brushes, play dough, and paint promotes fine motor skills and eye to hand co-ordination. Children perception is lot more creative than adult would dare to dream of. When a child sees color he/she tries to express it.
A child makes an imaginary world in his mind. So, when you hand kids a color box and sheet of paper you set them free. This can lead to highly desired outcomes.
The one mistake parents often make they fret their kids for not coloring properly. You can teach your child how to fill space and to draw with stroke. This child learns expression ability. It allows them to have patience and be relaxed and comfortable while creating an art. No wonder kids are always eager to do drawing & coloring apart from any other subject.
Not limiting your child to drawing, you can also reinforce the idea in different ways, like art can be made with food items. At Jungle Fiesta we have a special activity where in children create a piece of art using various fruits and vegetables.
Bottom line…
Coloring is calming and therapeutic for kids too! It is indeed more than just recreational activity. Coloring regularly can boost a child’s sense of accomplishment and pride in them. Either way children love to do it anyway. It could lead to a healthier and happier life in adolescence and into adulthood.
So get your children started with coloring with Jungle Fiesta weekend activity program for a lifetime of positive benefits.