Filling colors fuels imagination an initiative for kids at Jungle Fiesta

Imagination does no great until we human beings are given courage & strength to use it to create

Wouldn’t you agree?

In fact, in today’s techno-savvy world are children given the freedom to express themselves creatively?

That’s a big question.

At core, children have the most creative ability. I mean look the wall which was “creatively” decorated when you left your child with crayon for one minute!

Working with art material such as crayons, paint brushes, play dough, and paint promotes fine motor skills and eye to hand co-ordination. Children perception is lot more creative than adult would dare to dream of. When a child sees color he/she tries to express it.

A child makes an imaginary world in his mind. So, when you hand kids a color box and sheet of paper you set them free. This can lead to highly desired outcomes.

The one mistake parents often make they fret their kids for not coloring properly. You can teach your child how to fill space and to draw with stroke. This child learns expression ability. It allows them to have patience and be relaxed and comfortable while creating an art. No wonder kids are always eager to do drawing & coloring apart from any other subject.

Not limiting your child to drawing, you can also reinforce the idea in different ways, like art can be made with food items. At Jungle Fiesta we have a special activity where in children create a piece of art using various fruits and vegetables.

Bottom line…

Coloring is calming and therapeutic for kids too! It is indeed more than just recreational activity. Coloring regularly can boost a child’s sense of accomplishment and pride in them. Either way children love to do it anyway. It could lead to a healthier and happier life in adolescence and into adulthood.

So get your children started with coloring with Jungle Fiesta weekend activity program for a lifetime of positive benefits.

Why to enroll your child for personality development workshop?

Superb personality development activities for kids

Similar to riding a bike, public speaking seems to be scary at first. Once to get the right trick there nothing holding you back. All you need the right guidance and the right environment to nurture.

In schools, children are getting ample opportunities to learn a new skill and grow. They interact with their teachers and friends, but how comfortable are they while interacting with strangers or a new group of kids their age? Do you as a parent think that your child needs some boost for public speaking? If so then Jungle Fiesta is a place for you.

This is the right place to participate in your child in personality development activity. Recently we have organized summer camp activity for kids loaded with fun and learning activities. And we are proud to share with you that all children found that having a voice and sharing their opinion is fun and many forget why they found it scary in the first place.

Why to enroll your child for personality development workshop
Why to enroll your child for personality development workshop

Not only did the children acquire knowledge through participation but also understanding through explorations. If we’ll tell you what activities go behind the scene, the list would be endless. Still among all our focus is on melting down the fear that is often accompanied while public speaking.

We believe that making public speaking fun make shy kids into confident kids as they eagerly exchange ideas through storytelling sessions, news reading, tongue twisters activities. Even practicing speaking on mike at home helps kids to overcome fear.

As a parent, you can start making your kids stage ready by making them host a small birthday party or family gathering at your home.

Once a reader always a leader

The next big obstacle is knowledge of the language. In simple words, age-specific vocabulary and comprehension skills help them to learn a language and early literacy skills. Jungle fiesta team has a special activity for nurturing this skill.

So what are you waiting for? Walk into Jungle Fiesta office and learn some amazing skills in a fun and playful manner.

Why should children have a hobby?

Good grades mean better classes, which indirectly means admission in good colleges that successfully translates into a great career. Gone are the days when children used to watch television and play computer games. Today’s kids are very much indulged in smartphones. As a parent, we want our child to excel in studies at school. In all this aren’t we limiting our kids if we don’t let them pursue other interests?

Even we as adults needs break from the daily routine, so do kids. Studies have shown that children with hobby do much better in academics. It sharpens their focus, developing their personality and making them socially confident.

Hobbies can be simply reading a book, crafting, collecting things and even taking care of pets. One can try a wide range of pursuits which kids may develop a passion for. Child psychology says that any type of interest a child has outside school is helpful in getting children out of comfort zone and increase their creativity.

For example, your child is shy and joins a musical instrument learning session. It is not only engaging but also enriches life and gives them a different perspective on things. Additionally, it helps prevent bad habit and wasting time.

At Jungle Fiesta, we have arranged a vast number of activities for kids to indulge in. Poetry, story writing, painting, sketching, clay modeling and pottery, balloon artistry, participating in games are some of our activities you can enjoy with other kids.

You get to explore the ocean of new skills to learn at Jungle Fiesta. In case you are wondering what hobby is good for me then relax let our team present you with an array of hobby ideas.

Bottom line…

Most children today love spending time playing a game on mobile and computer. In all this, physical activity through hobbies is a good way to relieve stress, build strength and be physically fit. Enroll your child in the fun-filled activity, games and hobby sessions at Jungle Fiesta.

Fun with balloon twisting fantastic addition to kids event

You have seen magicians pull this trick turning a balloon into a dog or even machine gun. Even at birthday parties, balloon modeling captures hearts of the little folks. Guess what if you learn to do it all by yourself? Yes, that is possible now with Jungle fiesta.

At Jungle fiesta, we take this activity at a completely new level. With the right instruction and little practice, you can take this a hobby. Even more, you can show your friends how it’s done. The only things you need are some balloons, a pump and a lot of free time to run wild with your imagination. (P.S.- Surely you don’t want your parents to yell at you every now and then when you pop one, only make sure to ask your parents first!)

We take great delight to make the art of balloon modeling more entertaining and educational to the children of all ages. Recently we hosted this as a summer camp activity with simple original designs, especially for kids.

Check out the gleam of pride after kids make their creations here.

If you wouldn’t have thought about it, the twisting balloon has its own advantages.  What is more hilarious is that you try to twist the inflatable in weird shapes. From grown-ups perspective, twisting balloons into wonderful creations is an interactive attention-grabbing activity. Who doesn’t love to pop a balloon!

Even we adults get delighted when we see a normal balloon transformed into a dog, a sword or a flower- the options are endless! On a serious note, according to a study, blowing balloon is actually a stress relief activity that helps in relaxation. And popping them is the fun part! So this craft activity is undeniably a beneficial option to improve creativity and focus among children.

As Mums and Dads are always looking for some entertainment in children’s parties and twisting balloon is something that everyone can enjoy. So when you start researching about it, you may wonder what it’s quite easy and is actually anyone can do it. Although what looks easy to do can be easily accomplished with help from professional.

Who knows you turn out to be another great entertainer at the next party!

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      Jungle Fiesta, 2nd Floor, Opposite Food Court, Al Khail Mall, Al Quoz, Dubai, UAE